Virtual Dj
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Virtual DJ Pro 7 Review
Virtual DJ 7 Review: Virtual DJ sometimes gets a bad press. Maybe it’s because the manufacturers and developers, Atomix, began many many years ago making some seriously toy-like DJ software of the same name (mind you, it would run on anything).Maybe it’s because the company doesn’t have “pedigree” by not being an all-round electronic musician’s software developer like Native Instruments. Maybe it’s just because the “Virtual DJ” name itself gets “real” DJs’ backs up.
Whatever the reason, it’s relatively common to hear the software being derided by both the aforementioned “real” DJ’s (you’re not a DJ unless you can beatmix 1970s funk on two cassette decks blah blah) and snobby digital jocks (“no pro would be seen dead on Virtual DJ”) having a dig at it.
So can Virtual DJ Pro 7 which was released today, do anything to placate either group?
Well, the first thing to say in any review of Virtual DJ Pro 7 is that Virtual DJ is, in fact – and has been for a long time – very good software.
It is stable, easy to use, insanely configurable, powerful and because of all of this, wildly popular. It is more immediate than Traktor for the beginner, it will work on just about any hardware, it has busy and helpful user forums, and has been consistently ahead of the pack in many areas, not least video mixing.
It also has built-in key detection, something none of the others has managed yet and arguably a must-have DJ tool nowadays.
Two decks is so 2008…
But one area where it was starting to show its age was the number of decks it could support. While you’ve been able to have 10 samples happily looping away in time to the music in Virtual DJ for years, you still had to make do with 2 decks. Not any more. Virtual DJ now has as many decks as you want (up to 99, in fact).While nobody in their right mind is going to want 99 decks, having 4 is certainly worthwhile, especially with controllers like the new Denon DN-MC6000 badged “Virtual DJ” and ready to take full advantage. The 4-deck layout is clear on the eye, intuitive and much needed. This alone makes Virtual DJ 7 a cool update.
While nobody in their right mind is going to want 99 decks, having 4 is certainly worthwhile.In 4-deck mode, the decks get a clear colour each – orange, green, red and blue.
You can split the waveforms into pairs at the top of the screen, and there are several other waveform choices too, with a new “wave” button to cycle between them.
There is a 6-deck skin that has all 6 decks along the screen horizontally where you choose which ones are going to be controlled by the main “decks”, although strangely enough, this 6-deck skin is not available in the highest screen resolution.
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